01925 851536 | info@birchwoodpark.co.uk

July 2025

Food & Drink
Live Lunch

Live Lunch

12 – 2pm

Our regular live lunch is back every Thursday lunch time at the EngineRooms. A great way to wind down ready for the weekend.

Live Lunch

Live Lunch

12 – 2pm

Our regular live lunch is back every Thursday lunch time at the EngineRooms. A great way to wind down ready for the weekend.

Live Lunch

Live Lunch

12 – 2pm

Our regular live lunch is back every Thursday lunch time at the EngineRooms. A great way to wind down ready for the weekend.

Live Lunch

Live Lunch

12 – 2pm

Our regular live lunch is back every Thursday lunch time at the EngineRooms. A great way to wind down ready for the weekend.

Live Lunch

Live Lunch

12 – 2pm

Our regular live lunch is back every Thursday lunch time at the EngineRooms. A great way to wind down ready for the weekend.