01925 851536 | info@birchwoodpark.co.uk


The Shuttle bus link provided for Birchwood Park occupiers helps make travelling by train a viable option for commuting to Birchwood Park from around the North West. If you wish to use the service, pick up your FREE bus pass and pocket-sized timetable from Chadwick House Reception, Chadwick House (opposite the lake), 10am – 4pm, Monday to Friday.

Distances from local Train Stations

Birchwood Railway Station to Birchwood Park centre – 1.8 miles.
Warrington Central Railway Station to Birchwood Park centre – 4.5 miles.
Warrington Bank Quay Railway Station to the Birchwood Park centre – 5.6 miles.

Taxis are available outside both Warrington Bank Quay and Central stations.

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