01925 851536 | info@birchwoodpark.co.uk


Because of its location, travelling to and from Birchwood Park
in Warrington is very simple.

As part of our commitment to sustainability, we actively encourage and support those who wish to journey in a more environmentally responsible manner.

Explore the different travel options available to/from and around Birchwood park.

Travel Plan

The aim of the award winning Birchwood Park travel plan is to help our occupiers encourage their employees to use alternatives to single-occupancy car-use and in turn alleviate congestion, reduce pollution and improve sustainability.

Find out more about the Travel Plan

Travel Co-ordinator

Birchwood Park has a full time Travel Co-ordinator to help meet the travel demands of each occupier. The Travel Co-ordinator will offer a comprehensive set of travel initiatives to help occupiers travel to and from Birchwood Park.

Mandi & Elaine

Workplace Travel Advisor
