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Covid-19 screening for your business

I just wanted to say a huge thank you for all the lovely support and kindness we have received since moving into Lovell House. We are so excited to be a part of Birchwood Park and we look forward to being of service to the local community.

It has been a quiet week so far, however things are picking up as the news gets round that DAS is on site. There is tremendous scope for us all to get through these current times with our businesses intact if we help each other.

DAS has been in business for several years carrying out drug and alcohol screening in many different sectors including the construction industry, retail and distribution, logistics and maritime. However, since March our focus has been on keeping companies and their staff moving forward by reducing the risk of infection and transmission of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Better known as COVID 19.

However, there is another way. If you are interested in introducing  a screening programme for your business please get in touch.

We were there at the beginning of the COVID outbreak and our aim is to be here until the end. We can adapt our services to your specific needs. Whether it is for Pre-Employment screening or an emergency callout we can be there for you. Because we are right on your doorstep!

Screening helps to reduce unnecessary absenteeism, stress, and transmission of the infection. It also prevents costly and embarrassing errors. Investing in a screening programme has the power to increase staff morale, productivity, and profit. A thriving business is only viable with healthy, happy staff. Without them you have no business.

We have sourced our kits for their accuracy, reliability, and speed. They are so advanced that testing takes minutes with instant results, allowing the relevant action to be taken to protect the rest of your workforce.
