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Wellbeing Month | Liftshare Social

This week is National Liftshare Week, so come down to the Engine Rooms this lunch time to sign up for our Liftshare scheme and potentially meet your Carpool Karaoke partner!

Thursday 6th October | 12:00pm-1:00pm | EngineRooms

Liftsharing is a more eco friendly and wallet friendly way of commuting to your workplace- not to mention it’s also an opportunity to meet new people and potentially have someone to chat to on your way into the office.

Our liftshare scheme opens up the opportunity of matches from any building across the Park not just matches within your own workplace.

Come down today to sign up and get a free Coffee, treats and even the opportunity to meet any potential matches you may have.

You can just pop by on the day but if you’d like to register your interest and send over your postcode then we can potentially get started on working on matches for you in advance, so please email Elaine at ehoult@birchwoodpark.co.uk if it’s something you are interested.