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Warrington Employer Networking Event

The University of Chester’s Careers & Employability would like to invite you to attend a lunchtime networking event (lunch will be provided).

Where: University of Chester, Warrington Campus, Crab Lane, Warrington, Cheshire, WA2 0DB
Tucker Building, Room 001 (see Downloads – No.4 on the map)
When: 12-2pm, Monday 25th January 2016

The Careers & Employability team would like to find out more about your organisation, the work that you do and to consider how you might be able to work together in the future. They would also like to take the opportunity to discuss the range of services available to you across the University, including: support with recruitment, placements and internships along with ways to engage with students.

If you would like to join the event, please email warrington.careers@chester.ac.uk to confirm your attendance by Friday 15th January. (Please include in the email whether you have any dietary requirements).

There is free parking available on campus, please park in any space which is not specifically reserved for staff.

If you have any questions about the event, or you require further information, please call 01925 534235.