01925 851536 | info@birchwoodpark.co.uk

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Try our Kettlebell classes - FREE with an Alive & Well membership

Kettlebells is a fantastic workout with loads of benefits, and our fitness classes are a great way to get started.

Did you know, that working out with Kettlebells are:

  • Great for building strength
  • An instant calorie burner
  • Good for helping make everyday movements easier
  • A great physical AND mental workout!

Why not try our Kettlebell classes, they are FREE with an Alive & Well membership, which start at just £20.99. We’ve got an evening class on Wednesday at 5.45pm and a morning class on Thursday at 6.30am.

We’d love to see you there!

You can find out more on the Birchwood Park website, or you can download the Parklife app for exclusive discounts on your membership!