01925 851536 | info@birchwoodpark.co.uk

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Something spooky going on at Birchwood Park!

We had a great time in the run up to Halloween last week, with lots of activities going on for our occupiers and the local community to enjoy.

Lots of families enjoyed our Spooky Trail and Halloween family film, with treats galore for those who completed the trail!

We’ve had lots of entried to our Halloween charity raffle too, however there is still a chance to win!

The winner will be announced on Wednesday 3rd November, so be sure you pick up your ticket for just £1 at Chadwick House reception, 302 Bridgewater Place or by making a donation through our Just Giving pages: https://www.justgiving.com/team/BirchwoodPark (just be sure to reference your donation as Halloween Raffle).