Prospect: Get 3 months’ free membership if you join during 10-16th February
Prospect is a trade union which supports and represents people like you. By joining Prospect, you’ll be welcomed into a community of more than 157,000 members who work as scientists, engineers, tech experts and in other specialist roles
We are based at Birchwood Park, where we already successfully support many people across a range of workplaces including National Nuclear Laboratory, Jacobs, Cavendish Nuclear, International Nuclear Service, Sellafield Ltd, the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority, Nuclear Waste Services and Nuvia.
Come and see us in the EngineRooms Thursday 6th February for more information.
What can Prospect do for me?
Most people know that a union will support them if they run into difficulties at work. But union membership offers so much more.
Collective voice
Standing together with colleagues results in more favourable outcomes for workers. On average, union members enjoy higher pay than non-members, better sickness and pension benefits, more paid holiday, and the right to more flexible working hours.
We have a wealth of experience in equalities and have successfully negotiated improvements in many workplace for our members.
As well as all that, we offer a range of discounts and services to our members including free legal advice, financial advice, career development support and access to our reward scheme..
Working in the Nuclear or Energy Sector?
We are the largest union in the nuclear sector and can offer expert support and advice tailored to issues that affect you.
Prospect represents the interests of over 22,000 members working across all parts of the energy sector. Our members are engineers, managers and specialists employed in energy generation, transmission and distribution companies across the UK.
Join Today
Join during Heart and get your first three months membership free. Start (
Member Recruit Member
Already a member? Organised workplaces with a high density of union members means that Prospect has greater influence with local management and employers.
For every colleague you recruit, you can choose one of the following incentives:
- Option 1 – £10 donation to Trussell Trust, War Child or Help for Heroes
- Option 2 – £10 donation to our benevolent fund, which helps members in financial difficulty.
- Option 3 – £10 LifestyleVoucher.
Colleagues can join online, but please ask them to complete the ‘recruited by’ section so that you receive your incentive.