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Pop Up: British Heart Foundation CPR Awareness

Join us in The Centre on Thursday 27th April, 12-2pm.

If you came across someone who was unconscious and not breathing, would you know what to do? Across the UK, there are over 30,000 cardiac arrests outside of hospital every year, but the survival rate is less than 1 in 10. Put simply, thousands more mums, dads, grandparents and children could be saved every year if more people had lifesaving CPR skills.

We are on a mission to create a Nation of Lifesavers, a nation where everybody knows how to save a life!

Why not come along and say hello to Leah and Chris from the British Heart Foundation on Thursday 27th April 12-2pm and learn more. You can find out more information on how to look after your heart and even have a go at some CPR. We look forward to meeting you all!


