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Northern Nuclear Alliance Breakfast Briefing

The Northern Nuclear Alliance (NNA) is delighted to invite you to the first in a new series of Business Briefings. These time efficient, hybrid sessions offer networking opportunities as well as the chance to be fully briefed on the latest industry opportunities and strategies.

Date: Monday 12th December
Time: 8.15am – 9.30am
Location: Birchwood Park Marketing Suite, Ground Floor, Chadwick House

Hybrid format – free to attend in person or online – book your place at https://buytickets.at/northernnuclearalliance/810151

For our first session we are delighted to welcome Tristram Denton, Commercial and Programme Development for STEP. Tristram will provide an update following the announcement that this ambitious fusion energy programme will be based just a short distance from the North West, in West Burton, North Nottinghamshire.

The Government-backed STEP programme will create thousands of highly skilled jobs during construction and operations, and attract other high-tech industries to the region, furthering the development of science and technology capabilities nationally.

The ambitious programme will also commit immediately to the development of apprenticeship training centres in Nottinghamshire, building on the success of the UK Atomic Energy Authority’s (UKAEA) Oxfordshire Advanced Skills centre in Culham, which develops around 180 apprentices from 25 employers every year.

You can book your free online or in-person tickets at Ticket Tailor: https://buytickets.at/northernnuclearalliance/810151

Please note that Tristram’s presentation will start at 08:30 and run for approximately 15 minutes, the remainder of the session will be discussion and networking, refreshments will be provided.

Please join us for breakfast, networking and importantly to hear more about how this programme can bring benefit to business in our region.

If you have any questions please contact Jennie Pearson at jennie.pearson@nuclearalliance.uk