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Need a listening ear to talk to?

Our chaplains may not be able to see you face to face but they are still here if you need them.

“But I know somehow, that only when it is dark enough, can you see the stars”

This quote from Martin Luther King Jnr really speaks to a positive life attitude.

He’s reminding us that, no matter how dark the times we are living through, we need to experience them in order to truly appreciate the good times when we are blessed. That seems to be a good thought to hold on to in the midst of this Coronavirus pandemic. We may not want to experience the dark times but as we all know, life is not always plain sailing by any means. Knowing that there is light that can be seen more vividly the darker it gets is a great comfort, something good to hold on to when life is confusing, painful or just a bit out of sync.

Stay safe and keep well in these unsettled times.

Please feel free to use the resources available on the MitE quiet space which you can find here: https://mite.org.uk/quietspace

If you would like to speak to a chaplain during this time, please call Debbie Williams 07526 378529 or email: debbie@mite.org.uk.