01925 851536 | info@birchwoodpark.co.uk

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Monday Night Football

A group of football enthusiasts working for companies based in Birchwood Park are introducing flexible 5-a-side football matches for people who have dropped out of the game, struggling with regular commitment, or just want to play football for less time with less fuss.

Venue: Orford Jubilee Neighbourhood Hub, Jubilee Way, Orford, Warrington, WA2 8HE
Time: Mondays at 6.00pm
Date: We are waiting for people to show their interest before deciding on the date of the first game.

If interested, kindly send your name and preferred email address to birchwood.5aside@gmail.com. You can also join our Facebook group @ “Birchwood 5-a-side football”.

A fee of up to £5 per game may apply to cover cost of pitch hire.

Let the games begin!