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Menopause in the Workplace Workshop

Come and meet Melanie Pollard Menopause and Wellbeing Coach to find out more about how to support colleagues within the workplace.

Wednesday 14th June – from 12noon
Meeting room at the EngineRooms with a light lunch!

This informal but informative session will aim to cover a number of topics:

What is the menopause?

  • Description of the stages of menopause
  • Quick overview of hormones and what happens
  • Common symptoms
  • Why are we talking about it now?

Menopause at Work

  • Why is it a workplace issue? Reasons and statistics on how it can impact staff retention/sickness levels.
  • What symptoms might cause problems at work? Things to look out for.
  • What can we do to help?
    • Conversations
    • Practical things we can do to help
    • Why a menopause policy is important
  • Menopause – treatments, wellbeing and the way forward.

A soup & sandwich lunch will be provided as part of the session, please let us know you are coming at: info@birchwoodpark.co.uk