01925 851536 | info@birchwoodpark.co.uk

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Meetings & Events Open House at the EngineRooms

Our team at the EngineRooms would be delighted to welcome all meeting & events bookers to our first Open House of the year Thursday 13th October from 4pm – 6pm to meet the new team, sample our new meeting and events menus and experience our range of meeting rooms.

Over the last few months we’ve been working hard refreshing and improving our Meeting & Events menus and we are excited to invite you to come over to be the first people to sample them.

There’s been so much change recently, it would be great to meet you in person and let us showcase our enhanced event space.

Come and meet our new General Manager & sample our delicious new Meetings & Events food offer
Thursday 13th October | Drop in between 4pm & 6pm

Please reply to this email to register your interest here, enginerooms@birchwoodpark.co.uk we will look forward to welcoming you on Thursday.

Eager to learn more before then, we would be happy to arrange a tour at your convenience or send you further details – email enginerooms@birchwoodpark.co.uk or call on 01925 282 940.