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M&E Open House Event: Meet The Team

Our Meetings & Events Open House was a huge success last week, with some delicious food sampled by our occupiers in advance of our new menu launch.

If you missed out, don’t worry, our next event is just around the corner, so save the date!

Join us for our next Meeting & Events Open House where you can meet Lesley, our M&E Sales Manager & Clare, our M&E Co-ordinator and find out what’s new!

We will also have some taster dishes of the BRAND NEW menu that we will soon be launching.

Date: Wednesday 16th November
Time: 4-6pm
Location: the EngineRooms, Birchwood Park

Please RSVP to enginerooms@birchwoodpark.co.uk to confirm your attendance, or to book an earlier show round of the facilities.