Our favourite competition of the year!
Thursday 20th February is Love Your Pet Day. So we’re on the hunt to find Birchwood Park’s Cutest Pet.
Is your pet cuter than last year’s winner Mika? If you think so, send your entries to Elaine on ehoult@birchwoodpark.co.uk
Send your entries over by COB Friday 14th February to be included. It’s £1 per entry and all proceeds will be donated to our chosen Charity of the year Peace & Mind UK.
Voting for the Cutest Pet will take place on Thursday 20th February over in the EngineRooms between 10am and 2pm– so come a long to place your votes for which furry friend you think is cutest.
Prizes will be given to whoever is crowned the cutest. Winners will be notified by Monday 24th February.
Please note any entries sent in after the deadline can not be included in the vote.