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Hello Web Blog: Prototyping during the pandemic

Lockdown isn’t always bad. The pandemic hit, and along with it, the enforced work from home and social distancing. It is pushing us away from our busy social lives but also giving us so much more time for the things we didn’t before.

Here at helloweb, always improving, we’ve been enjoying our lockdown playing around with the new prototyping features of Adobe XD: auto animate.

Why is it so important to prototype?

The prototype is an important draft design that gives you a complete idea of how the site or app will look like in the final product. While the wireframes and mockups offer a basic idea about the product, the prototype gives life to your design.

Beautiful and well defined mockups look great on the screen but might also confuse clients. Prototypes on the other hand, remove any possible misunderstanding with the ability to simulate the actual user experience.

A prototype is also great for internal communication. Designers can show developers how the app will work in terms of navigation, micro-interactions, states; and get the feedback from them before moving to the development phase.

You might think that skipping a prototype will save you cost and time. However, you could end up spending a lot more money and time during the development though.

What’s new in prototyping with Adobe XD?

The new auto animate feature gives impressive results. It adds motion to make smooth transitions between the elements on different screens.

To see it in action, check out this prototype for a mobile app designed to enable users to share and learn how to cook tasty dishes and feel free to give us your feedback.

If you are interested in how we can improve your digital experiences, contact us. We would love to chat about your project.