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Hand on Heart are looking for volunteers - can you help?

Does your company support local charities?
Do you have any spare time on your hands and want to support local schools and children?

As a charity we have the opportunity to wash, dry and count loose coins from the fountains within the Trafford Centre. The donations are then used to fund defibrillator and training packages to schools, making them heart safe. By using CPR skills and a defibrillator when someone has a sudden cardiac arrest can increase survival rates from 6% to over 74%.

We are looking for willing volunteers to help us Our first coin count is Monday 16th January; volunteers are needed from 9.15am until 3.00pm.

If you can help or would like more information about our first coin count or any other sessions we will be holding throughout the year, please speak to Lesley on 0845 071 0822 or email her: lesley@handonheart.org

For more details about Hand on Heart visit our website – www.handonheart.org