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Foster Cares: supporting the local community

Our Foster Cares Ltd North West Office have been very busy recently with a focus on supporting our local community.

We had a successful Christmas Bowling event for Carers, in May /June children and Staff collected food donations for a Warrington Foodbank; and this summer we are completing sponsored walks.  In August our Birchwood Park staff kicked off our Sponsored Walks, starting at the lake near our Office at Birchwood Park.  Our Foster Carers will be joining us by completing ‘family sponsored walks’ during the school holidays.  All donations are being collected for local charities.

In addition, we are also continuing to develop our service with our childrens voices being at the centre of this.  We held a consultation event in February at a local Bowling centre where our children helped us develop questions for people who want to become foster carers.  These questions are being used in our fostering panels by being asked to those people who attend panel; this allows everyone to hear what is important to children.   We have more planned events with our children later this year.

Furthermore, we continue to appreciate the significance of creating a secure and warm environment for children in need. Our Agency provides a personal and empathetic approach to foster care.  We offer full training and 24-hour support to our Foster Carers.  The onsite facilities allow us to host our Carer Support Meetings and other Events in a picturesque outdoor setting, loved by both our Carers and children.

For more information on our Agency, or about fostering, please visit www.fostercares.co.uk or contact us on 0161 872 7048 or fostering@cares.co.uk