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Flexera/Revenera hosts Black, Indigenous and People of Colour Summit

Flexera/Revenera hosted their very first annual BIPOC (Black, Indigenous and People of Colour) Summit last week.

The purpose of this event was to create a safe space for people of colour, bring awareness to the issues they may face, and educate allies on how they can become better allies. We have been truly overwhelmed by the spirit of unity, growth and empowerment throughout the two-day summit. The sessions were impactful, allowed us to share both inspiring and shocking experiences, and inspired everyone to become better allies. As part of our company value “Give Back”, we also raised over £500 for Lumity and Windsor Fellowship. Please donate here if you can: https://www.justgiving.com/page/flexera-revenera-bipoc-summit2023

“Lumity provides teens and young adults from under-resourced communities with transformational experiences to prepare them for lifelong STEM careers. Our STEM education program, partnerships, talks, and activities break down barriers between under-resourced Chicago communities and businesses.”

“The Windsor Fellowship (WF) is a charitable organization. We design and deliver innovative personal development and leadership programs, to enable talented people from diverse communities to fulfill their potential.”