01925 851536 | info@birchwoodpark.co.uk

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EngineRooms - Open but Sensibly

In times of uncertainty it can be hard to know where to turn. We’d like you to know that we will be open to all until we are advised differently by the Government. We have a very large open area to sit, eat, recharge, and gather your thoughts.

Our ‘Be Seen to Be Clean’ program is in operation; all our team members have been trained to wash and sanitise their hands and all touchpoints more regularly than normal.

Our stringent cleaning regimes are being stepped up to a higher level and all our cutlery, crockery and trays are being “double dish washed”. Tables are being cleaned more frequently and we would ask that you all wash or sanitise your hands before entering all food and dining facilities.

All our food and drink is available to take away.

As you all know, we are in difficult times, but we are all in this together and we will do our best to balance keeping our doors open and looking after the wellbeing of our staff and customers. We will continue to monitor the needs of our staff and occupiers on a daily basis and will adapt our service as needed, look out for updates via our social media channels and Parklife.