Our annual big community fundraiser is back in August and this year all money raised goes to the fantastic Walton Lea Partnership.
Join us for a fun packed day that will start will a family film show – Moana (PG) at 10am, just £1.50 inc movie treats. Book your place here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/moana-pg-tickets-669376482077?aff=oddtdtcreator
Fun and games will start from 11.30am on the green by the lake with live music and food including Hook a Duck, Duck Shy, Kids Arts & Crafts and much more!
Get your Ducks for the Duck Dash & Best Dressed Duck competition (on sale from Friday 7th July) https://parklife.birchwoodpark.co.uk/news/go-quackers-ducks-go-on-sale-from-friday-7th-july/
The Duck Dash will start at 12.30pm on the lake.