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COVID-19 request for help - Can you produce PPE shields or contribute material or other items needed?

There is still an urgent need for PPE – personal protective equipment for all front line workers, in particular for Care Workers.

Members of the NNA – Northern Nuclear Alliance and its Steering Group are now setting up 3D Printers at home to make protective face shields, can your company get involved?

Do you have any engineers with 3D printers at home who might want to join the effort?

The file to make the shields can be downloaded from a 3D printing sharing site called www.thingiverse.com the file can be found by searching for item reference code – 4248723.

If you do not have access to a 3D printer there are still other ways you can help with the PPE shortage, such as donating material for making the shields or by donating other PPE items listed below.

Collection points have been established at Orford Jubilee Hub and Warrington Town Hall between 9.30am-4pm each day. Frontline care workers are also desperate for the following;

  • Disposable aprons
  • Disposable gloves
  • Protective face masks
  • Protective eye goggles
  • Hand sanitiser gel

If you can help with 3D printing please can you email Lisa Ingham, lisa.ingham@cavendishnuclear.com.