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Chaplains’ Corner: Feeling Stuck?

No matter whether we are key workers, furloughed workers, worried about business, jobs, finances or all of those things; we are all sitting in the liminal space between how life used to be and how life may be as the lockdown is lifted.

Our MitE Chaplains have written a blog about the limbo space between now and once lockdown is lifted:

I don’t know about you but this image encapsulates the way I occasionally feel these days.

Sometimes I don’t even know what the thing I want to do is at the moment and other times I have so much energy and motivation that it’s easy to get on with the kind of household chores and jobs that I’ve been wanting to do for some time and just never seem to be able to fit in on a regular day.

Some people call this kind of in-between space liminality. A place that is neither one thing nor the other, a transitional space or phase. Most of us experience it in our teen years for sure. Feeling stuck in a kind of limbo I guess. At the moment it also possibly describes where those of us who are staying home as much as possible, to protect those of us who have to work to keep us safe and to keep us going, are.

No matter whether we are key workers, furloughed workers, worried about business, jobs, finances or all of those things; we’re all sitting in the liminal space between how life used to be and how life may be as the lockdown is lifted. Perhaps worrying about work, about what life will look like, will there be the same kind of work available? Will there be the same kind of leisure activities available? How will our relationships survive? Maybe for introverts this enforced distance will be hard to give up, while for extroverts it must be anathema. Perhaps we are feeling somehow guilty about the safety bubble we are living in, insulated from many of the concerns and losses that others are experiencing. Managing to maintain our health and well-being because of our more fortunate circumstances and home life.

As always whatever your situation and however this current situation is affecting you, remember that MitE chaplains are here to listen. Know that our role is to offer spiritual and pastoral support that works for you.

We don’t have an agenda of our own. We are guided by you. While we aren’t able to meet face to face during the virus lock down, you can contact a chaplain via email on info@mitechaplaincy.com and if you’d prefer to speak to someone request a call-back, we also have a range of resources on our web-site including some that are more specific to the Covid-19 outbreak: https://mite.org.uk

Alternatively you can keep in touch with us on social media:
Facebook: @mitechaplaincy
Twitter: @mitesthwarr