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Chaplains’ Corner: Easter Thoughts

As we have been in a strange situation this Easter, I hoped we could take a moment to remember all of the people who are risking their lives to serve us and keep us safe. I found this lovely prayer image online about bringing light to the dark places in our lives and it seemed so appropriate for now.

For ourselves, it’s difficult to count our blessings sometimes when the news is so bleak and the social isolation rules make the days start to meld into one with the sameness – no matter how hard we try to build a routine and find ways to be active in the house or garden.

Many Churches and community groups are reaching out online to their members trying to provide some sense of community prayer and worship, but it’s especially hard for those who are relying on telephone contact because they don’t use the internet.

I hope there are ways you are finding to be part of virtual communities even if you don’t ‘do’ church, but if the sameness gets to you, and the safety bubble I sincerely hope you are experiencing begins to lull you into a false sense of security, please stop and think that the guidance is there to keep all of us safe and the heroes who are risking their lives to take care of us and provide emergency and essential services, well, they have lives and families too. They deserve our compassion and respect. They need us to stay home to help keep them safe. That’s the way that we can thank them for their willingness to do their job no matter what.

So please continue to #StayHome, #StaySafe and know that our prayers are with you all.

As always if the going gets too tough, remember that MitE chaplains are here to listen. Our role is to offer spiritual and pastoral support that works for you. We don’t have an agenda of our own. We are guided by you.

While we aren’t able to meet face to face during the virus lock down, you can contact a chaplain via email on info@mitechaplaincy.com and if you’d prefer to speak to someone request a call-back, we also have a range of resources on our web-site including some that are more specific to the Covid-19 outbreak: https://mite.org.uk

Alternatively you can keep in touch with us on social media.