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Chaplain’s Corner

‘Hope is like the sun, which, as we journey towards it, casts the shadow of our burden behind us.’

I love this quote from Samuel Smiles (what an appropriate name for someone so hopeful).

It’s a good reminder that life is reflected in nature and the way that it has been created. The mental image of the sun always brings feelings of warmth, safety and being loved out in me. Is that the same for you? What emotions or sensations spring to mind when you think of the sun or spend a few moments sitting, bathing in it’s rays?

There are so many heart-breaking news stories this week it can be hard to focus on positives and I find those are the times when sitting with a quote like this can really help me to ground myself again as it leads me into thinking about nature, life and my faith. Whenever our situation may seem as if it is going from bad to worse and that as a society we are taking one step forward and two or three steps back – hope acts like a beacon, calling us ever onward and as we move towards it we begin to leave our burdens of fear, anger and confusion behind.

It takes time, patience and tenacity on our part, a leap of faith in refusing to believe the worst of all of the people around us – but when we hold on to hope, ever so gradually things change for the better and will continue to do so if we stay firm in our values and beliefs and just keep moving forward one careful step at a time.

Whatever issues you are facing in your personal or professional life, know that chaplains are good listeners who don’t judge or try to tell you what to do. As chaplains part of our role is to help you find ways of nourishing yourself, giving yourself time to explore what will help you to feel positive and hopeful in life. We are that listening ear that you can bounce thoughts, hopes or concerns onto. We can also sign-post you to organisations that provide extra support in a range of situations. We’re here most Monday and Wednesday lunchtimes to listen whatever you would like to talk about and if you just want to break up your day with a light-hearted conversation that’s great too. Have a blessed week.

If you don’t manage to catch up with a chaplain on site, as always you can contact us via email on info@mitechaplaincy.com where you can request a call-back, or you are very welcome to call me (Debbie) directly on my mobile: 07526 378529 either to chat or to arrange a time to meet up with myself or one of the other chaplains. We also have a range of resources on our web-site that help in dealing with stress: https://mite.org.uk If you prefer you can easily keep in touch with us on social media: Facebook: @mitechaplaincy Twitter: @mitesthwarr

Photo by Tyler Nix on Unsplash