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Chaplain’s Corner

“I hope you find grace in this world, that you recognize your worth, and that you can shine.” ~ Lindsay Tang

Lindsay Tangs quote seems like a great way to wish you a happy new year. Can you believe here we are in January of 2022 already! Where do the years go?

As chaplains our role is about meeting you wherever you are on your life journey, being a listening ear, helping you find the hope that we all need to live our best lives; hopefully brightening your day a little with a positive interaction. Showering you with positive regard to remind you how important and valued you are as an individual.

As Christians at MitE, we believe that God loves each of us wholly and unconditionally regardless of whether we believe in Him or not. As Chaplains we are not here to try to convince you of that, simply to share our faith in that belief by being present with you and sharing a confidential space where you decide what you want to talk about.

Ongoing Covid restrictions make it difficult for us to engage in the way that we usually would due to being mindful of social distancing but we are present in and around the Engine Rooms most Monday and Wednesday lunch-times.

On the fourth Monday of each month from 12 til 1pm we have a mindful activity session in the dining room of the Engine rooms. You are very welcome to join us for a chat or simply to try out one of the craft activities for a bit of creative relaxation, or a few mindful moments.

If you don’t manage to catch up with one of us in person, as always you can contact us via email on info@mitechaplaincy.com where you can request a call-back, or you are very welcome to call me directly on my mobile: 07526 378529 either to chat or to arrange a time to meet with one of the chaplains.

We also have a range of resources on our web-site including some that are more specific to the Covid-19 outbreak and some that help in dealing with stress: https://mite.org.uk

If you prefer you can easily keep in touch with us on social media: Facebook: @mitechaplaincy Twitter: @mitesthwarr

Image by Amanda Phung on unsplash.com