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Carol singing with the Chaplains

Join us for a carol singing session on Monday 20th December at 12noon under the canopy outside the Engine Rooms.

While we have the chance to capture some of that feeling this year, why not join us for a bit of outdoor, socially distanced carol singing and see if we have managed to choose your favourites. Wrap up well, hopefully we will have one of those beautiful crisp, sunny days as we bring a little Christmas spirit to our day, starting the week with some joy and laughter.

We are aware that Christmas can sometimes be a time of loneliness and sadness as well though as we miss loved ones that we can’t be with over the holiday for whatever reason, especially during the ongoing pandemic.

As always Chaplains are good listeners so if you would like to speak with someone you can contact us via email on info@mitechaplaincy.com where you can request a call-back, or you are very welcome to call me directly on my mobile: 07526 378529 either to chat or to arrange a time to meet with one of the chaplains.

Wishing you a blessed and peaceful Christmas
Debbie, Jane and Lynne

We also have a range of resources on our web-site including some that are more specific to the Covid-19 outbreak and some that help in dealing with stress: https://mite.org.uk If you prefer you can easily keep in touch with us on social media: Facebook: @mitechaplaincy Twitter: @mitesthwarr