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Canon snaps up new office space at Birchwood Park

PATRIZIA UK, the manager of Birchwood Park, Warrington, has welcomed new occupier Canon, the world-leading provider of imaging and information technology solutions, to 104 Dalton Avenue.

Canon, previously located at Birchwood Boulevard, will now occupy 3,000 sq ft at Dalton Avenue, utilising the flexible floor plates to create a modern and attractive space for its Northern Regional Sales team.

This new space has been chosen by Canon to be the company’s Business Centre for Central England and the North. Canon have identified Birchwood Park’s proximity and key transport links to the major regional business centres as an essential component in reaching the Business Centre’s key objective of showcasing the company’s range of imaging and information technology solutions in action.

Sarah-Jane Dale, Corporate & Marketing Communications Manager at Canon, said: “Ensuring that our staff remain motivated and enjoy coming to work is our most important priority, so when a suitable space became available at Birchwood Park it was the clear choice for the relocation of our Regional Sales Team.

“A key factor when deciding to move offices was ensuring that our business values were mirrored in the office environment. The professional Grade A office space at Dalton Avenue guaranteed that we had the perfect workspace to showcase our evolving collection of technology solutions to existing and prospective clients.”

Martin O’Rourke, commercial director at Birchwood Park, said: “We understand how important it is for Canon to have a presence in the North, especially in Birchwood Park, and their decision to relocate to Dalton Avenue is a clear endorsement of Birchwood Park’s position as a destination for international businesses in the North of England. Our significant investment in road improvements around Birchwood Park will ensure that Canon has the best connections to its extensive business network.”