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Hand on Heart needs your vote!

The Birchwood Park based charity; Hand on Heart, located in Chadwick House has been shortlisted in the Aviva Community Fund, with a new project called ‘Heart Safe’.

With projects across the country entering the Aviva Community Fund hoping for funding, Hand on Heart would really like your support and vote to help them get to the finals!

All you have to do is follow the link, here register and vote for Hand on Heart. You get 10 votes to use and the team at Hand on Heart are hoping you use them all for their ‘Heart Safe’ project.

The Heart Safe project will enable the charity to work with an extensive range of different groups of children and adults within 4 large community halls which have multiple uses. These include Brownies, Guides, Cubs, Scouts, after school clubs, mums and tots, community choir, yoga, keep fit, homework clubs and several more.

Hand on Heart will:

  • Place a defibrillator and associated accessories in each of the 4 chosen locations
  • Provide formal Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) and defibrillator training for 64 adults
  • Run interactive fun sessions for 240 children which will enable them to learn basic life support skills.
  • Hold a whole community fun and awareness day in each of the 4 community halls which span the county of Cheshire. These large-scale events will enable anyone within the local community to come along, learn about the heart, enjoy some exercise taster sessions, enjoy healthy food and smoothies and learn how to save lives and use a defibrillator.

Fact – 12 young people die each week in the UK of Sudden Cardiac Arrest and yet there is no legal requirement for schools or community facilities to have a defibrillator on site. Research shows that where a defibrillator and CPR is used within the first 5 minutes of a collapse, chances of survival increase from 6% to 74%.

An ambulance takes, on average 8 minutes to reach a casualty. Many community venues and schools tell us that they really want to invest in a defibrillator and training but that it isn’t possible due to cost and having someone to support them through the process and offer accessible training.

So what are you waiting for? Click here to start voting!

Voting ends mid-November, so don’t delay … please vote today!