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Atkins supporting the NHS with 3D printing

Mike Abraham and a team of volunteers from Atkins have been busy making parts for face shields – can you help too?

“I’m sure you will have seen in the news that the NHS is struggling for PPE at the moment due to the worsening pandemic and supply chain issues as a result of the outbreak. To help with the shortage, the UK 3D printing community has stepped up (5000 volunteers at time of writing) to print plastic components for face shields to give to the NHS where they are most desperately needed. I and some others within Atkins have volunteered and started to use the printers to support this programme.

I brought the 3D printer from our office home, got it setup on Saturday and it’s been printing away ever since. As I write this I have just had my first batch of 20 picked up by DPD to be sent to the central location where the final face shields are manufactured and I’ve already made a start on the next batch!

I’m happy to discuss the process in further detail, but as my photos show it’s basically:

  1. Print the top visor and bottom reinforcement parts
  2. Put them in a sealed bag
  3. Pop it in a bubble wrapped envelope
  4. Box it up and post it out through DPD (who are offering free postage for this scheme!)

I’ve given the 3D printer cabinet a thorough clean before starting the prints. I also wear vinyl gloves, a face mask and a face shield when dealing with the parts to try keep any potential contamination to a minimum (they are going to a hospital after all!)

The face shield I’m using (see photo) is one I made with my first print attempt, an elastic band and a 2L Pepsi bottle! You can see in the photo how the face shields will look. Don’t worry, they’re using proper clear plastic shields and elastic for the ones being supplied to the NHS… “

If you can help and need more details as to how please can in touch at: suzanne.whitelaw@patrizia.ag
