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Ally’s Top Tips to Stay Healthy

Whilst working from home, it’s easy to slip back into old habits. One thing that may suffer unexpectedly is your diet. In the confines of your home, trips to the fridge can become habit and a release from boredom – but don’t worry, our nutritional expert and personal trainer Ally has come up with these top tips to help you stay on top of your game during lockdown:

  1. Don’t work at your sofa, the living room is for relaxing.
    Work in another room so that is where work stays. If you don’t have another room then use the dining room. Never bring work to the sofa.
  2. Try to keep to 3 main meals a day.
    This way you will still get your nutrition in. If you are going to snack, try and make it something high in protein so it fills you up for longer.
  3. Keep hydrated!
    This will help keep your mind fresh whilst also keeping healthy.
  4. Set time aside for yourself.
    Block out half an hour to an hour in your day so you can exercise, go for a walk or even read a book in the sun. Make sure you do this during your work hours as this will help break up the day up. It will also help relieve any work stresses!
  5. Organise quizzes with work colleagues over Zoom (it’s free for 40 minutes).
    This will bring some knowledge whilst also keeping the brain ticking away from work again. It can also be classed as good team building – a win win!
