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10 benefits of Yoga

Yoga holds many health and wellbeing benefits and including Yoga into your weekly routine can have so many fantastic outcomes. The positive effects of practising Yoga don’t only benefit us physically, but also it can support us emotionally and mentally.

Everyone can receive the benefits of Yoga and in many different ways, whether you have an illness, limited movement, or fully active; Yoga can offer something for everyone and below, our yoga instructor Katya has explained 10 key benefits of Yoga and what you can expect to experience with a regular Yoga practise.


Without a doubt, a huge benefit of Yoga is that it can reduce stress levels. As we perform asanas and connect to our breath through our Yoga practice, it directly affects the nervous system.

Through our Yoga practise, we begin to encourage the body to move into the relaxation response controlled by the parasympathetic nervous system rather than the body functioning in fight and flight mode controlled by the sympathetic nervous system. When the body moves into the relaxation response, it begins to do many positive things such as slowing down the heart rate, increase the gland function and ultimately encouraging the body and mind to reduce and release stress.


Throughout our Yoga practise, we become more aware of our breathing and perform breathing exercises that make us conscious breathers which is an essential part of the Yoga practice. Yoga teaches us that our breath is a manifestation of our vital energy and allows us to be in this world. One fantastic benefit of Yoga is that we learn about our breath, how we breath and enhance and improve our breathing due to Yoga.


Trials show that those who do a Yoga practice three times a week and include breathing and relaxation have lower blood pressure!


As we move the body in a range of motion, we increase flexibility; we receive huge benefits from regular Yoga practice. When we move the body into a Yoga asana, the muscles are either contracting (agonist) or releasing and elongating (antagonist). Every stretch we can increase the range of motion within the muscle fibres allows them to become more flexible over time and with patience.


Without a doubt, Yoga practice has the benefits of improving our overall strength. When we arrive at a Yoga posture, we work with different muscle groups and strengthen our resilience. Many poses are active and require our ability to hold them for several breaths; for example, a downward-facing dog posture uses many muscles throughout the body and strengthens the upper body and the lower. A regular practice will create strength within the core, legs, arms, shoulders, and many other body areas.


Doing a regular Yoga practise that includes asana, pranayama, and relaxation will help reduce stress levels within the body and the mind. Stress is known to be one of the culprits of a weakened immune system.

When performing the asanas and the pranayama we are also offering the body a cleaning system, we can help move the lymphatic system to rid toxins and eliminate unwanted waste and stresses within the body. When the body and the mind have the right setting to become clear and vibrant, the immunity will become stronger.


All postures require focus as we move in and out of them, this allows the mind to strengthen its concentration and focus levels not only on the mat but also when we are off the mat. Yoga begins to train the mind to let go of unwanted thoughts, worries and distractions, encouraging us to be in the present moment, the only moment we truly have!


Many of the beautiful poses performed in Yoga benefit the digestion due to the gentle massaging action and the internal heat and cleansing kriyas performed, which increases ‘Agni’ (Agni converts food into energy). As we move into Yoga postures, we encourage the body to open up on a deeper energetic level stimulating and bringing balance and harmony into the functioning of the organs, meridians and body as a whole.


A benefit of Yoga is the increase and improvement of balance. As we work through postures, we transition, flow, or hold poses statically; it requires balance and strength. Over time the balance gets better, and increases and this can improve our balance not only on the mat but off the mat in day to day activities. Balance can come in many ways; it can be on the mat by balancing on one leg, balancing the left and the right sides of the body, balancing of the energies Yin and Yang. But what we learn on the mat can be explored and taken off the mat into finding balancing within our lifestyle; rest and play, what we eat and drink. Balance is essential in all aspects of our life, and a considerable benefit of Yoga is it helps us increase balance in an overall way.


Increased energy and vitality is an excellent benefit of a regular Yoga practice; it really can increase your energy and vitality. Yoga postures open the body and release any blocked energy that may be stagnant. As you breathe deeply, you draw pure fresh energy/oxygen/prana into the body; into areas of the body that may feel tight or hold tenstion. The overall effects of a Yoga practice can have different outcomes which depends on the class plan. Still, overall your body will receive more energy and vitality even if you are feeling very relaxed.

We are looking forward to restarting our regular yoga classes at Alive & Well, however in the meantime, if you would like to take part in yoga at home, Katya has some great videos on her YouTube page: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnn1fL7vlERC1iTiUQqy2bg

To read more about Katya’s yoga practice, please visit: https://www.lotusfloweryoga.co.uk/
