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YGN Speaking Competition North West Finalists

Come and support our finalists at The Centre on Thursday 3rd May from 17:30.
The Subject Matter: “Nuclear Energy”

Samantha Mary Ree
Terminator: Rise of the Clean-Up Machines

Sarah O’Sullivan
Nuclear NIMBYs: The Psychology of Nuclear Energy

Benjamin Pilling
Does Nuclear Have a Future in the UKs Energy Mix?

Kate Wallace
Nuclear Energy Capture: One Man’s Waste is Another Man’s Power

John Bintu
Vitrification of High Level Waste in the UK

Sebastian Beck
The Ultimate Tragedy of the Commons: Nuclear Power and the Global Energy Challenge

For more information, visit: https://www.nuclearinst.com/Events-list/North-West-YGN-Speaking-Competition-/56857

Good luck to all finalists!