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Roald Dahl’s Centenary

2016 marks 100 years since the birth of Roald Dahl. To celebrate the country’s best-loved children’s author we will be offering a special menu in The Cafe and The Garden Restaurant.

Tuesday 13th September
James and the Giant Peach themed: Gammon steak, sweet potato mash, grilled peach

Wednesday 14th September
BFG themed: Bolognese sauce, fettuccine, grilled courgette spirals

Thursday 15th September
Matilda themed: We dare you to take the Trunchbull Challenge with our Olympic Feast: fried chicken leg, beef burger, pork and leek sausage, fried egg and grilled mushrooms

Friday 16th September
Willy Wonka themed: Featuring a chocolate fountain with fruit skewers and other scrumdiddlyumptious treats to celebrate this wondrous year