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Love Your Pet Day Crafts

Bring your little Critters along to the EngineRooms today for the half term crafts “design your Pet” competition.

We’re looking for your best Pet creations, whether it’s based on your own Pet at home or your own mythical creations.

There’s no booking needed for this session just turn up. There will be limited spaces at the table so you may find you need to wait a little while if the table’s full.

All craft materials will be provided you don’t need to bring anything along with you to take part.

We’re just asking for a £1.00 donation to take part which will be donated to our chosen charity of the year, Peace and Mind UK.

To enter the competition send your pictures over to ehoult@birchwoodpark.co.uk we will choose a winner to receive a small prize. Entries will close Friday 21st February and winner will be contacted by Monday 24th February.

While you’re here check out our Birchwood Park’s Cutest Pet Competition and cast your vote for your favourite furry friend.

Half-Term Kids Meal Deal will be available at the EngineRooms.