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Geological Disposal of Radioactive Waste Seminar - 13th July

The Institute of Physics Nuclear Industry Group, in collaboration with Radioactive Waste Management Ltd (RWM), have organised a seminar to learn about the most current issues associated with radioactive waste disposal from some of the industry’s leading experts.

When: Wednesday, 13 July 2016
Time: 09:30 – 15:30
Where: Auditorium at The Centre, Birchwood Park

The session will be opened by Laurence Williams, an Emeritus Professor of Nuclear Safety and Regulation and Chair of the Committee of Radioactive Waste Management (CoRWM), who will share his experiences and make the case for geological disposal. We will also hear from experts currently helping to deal with the UK’s nuclear legacy and the pursuit of technological developments to find the most efficient method for disposing of the higher activity waste.

Representatives from RWM, the organisation charged with implementing geological disposal in the UK, will also share the latest developments and plans for the coming months.

This meeting is free to attend, all are welcome but registration is essential. Refreshments will be served from 09:30, and lunch is included.

Register now >>

For further information, please contact Dale McQueen at dalemcqueen1@gmail.com