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Chaplain’s Corner

Time is free but it’s priceless.
You can’t own it but you can use it.
You can’t keep it but you can spend it.
Once you’ve lost it you can never get it back.
~ Harvey Mackay

Who would have thought that time would become our most precious commodity? Time spent with others costs nothing but can be the most enriching and generous thing that we can offer.

So many people I have spoken with in past months have been surprised by how quickly the last year has flown by in spite of many of us having so much time on our hands at times in the lockdowns.
While each individual day may sometimes seem to drag, when we look back at the week are you often surprised too by how quickly we get from one Friday to the next?

It often reminds me how as a child my dad used to tell me not to be in such a rush when I was desperately waiting for some special occasion to arrive. He used to tell me that life would soon be rushing by far too fast – and I would be thinking yeah, yeah it won’t ever be able to go fast enough for me! How I smile now when I turn around and another week has shot by in a flash!

What’s your experience of time at the moment? Does it fly by or does it drag; does it depend on the day & circumstance? How do you like to spend your free time – do you manage to get any free ‘me’ time?

‘Me’ time is often the first thing we lose when we live busy lives and it can be the hardest thing to fill when life changes in some way such as it has for many of us at times in the last year with furlough especially. It’s so important for us to find a way to take some time out for ourselves to help maintain our well-being though. To find something that we can enjoy doing, that makes us feel content, joyful, helps us to feel positive about ourselves in some way. Spending time with someone who listens well can be beneficial in this sense too.

From 6th June Chaplains will be on the Park on Mondays (11am – 1pm) & Wednesdays (12pm-2pm) weather permitting. In light of covid restrictions & ongoing social distancing requirements chaplains will continue to provide an outdoors peripatetic session starting on the Terrace at the Engine Rooms and then around the duck pond and woodshed areas for the later part of the sessions.

You are also still very welcome to call me directly on my mobile: 07526 378529 either to chat or to arrange a time to meet, if you prefer you can email info@mitechaplaincy.com and request a call-back. We have a range of resources on our web-site including some that are more specific to the Covid-19 outbreak and some that help in dealing with stress: https://mite.org.uk

If you prefer you can easily keep in touch with us on social media: Facebook: @mitechaplaincy Twitter: @mitesthwarr

Photo by Massimiliano Morosinotto on Unsplash