Oakwood Gate – ‘Dog bone’ roundabout
- The new traffic signals at the Dog bone roundabout have made a considerable difference to the queues on Birchwood Way and Birchwood Park Avenue and we have had some positive feedback. However we accept that there are still issues on the exit from Oakwood Gate with peak hour queues on Dewhurst Road and Ordnance Avenue. This is expected to be resolved next week – see below for more info.
- The BT broadband connection is still outstanding but we have been assured from BT that they are now near completion of this work. This will allow remote control of the signals when required and CCTV coverage of the junction.
- There will be some snagging work undertaken mostly during the day (off peak) to repair/replace kerbs, mend the trench, and generally tidy up the site. There will be some night time work required on the Dog bone roundabout which will involve one overnight closure, this is currently planned for w/c 7th March. A consequence of this work is that the contractor will be re-opening Moss Gate north bound on the 16th February so that traffic will be able to enter/leave the south Birchwood area during the night closure of Dog bone roundabout.
- Please be aware that the night closure at Dog bone roundabout and the re-opening of Moss Gate Northbound may be delayed subject to weather conditions delaying the surfacing programme at Moss Gate. Any alterations to this date will be posted on the roadworks website as soon as it is realised. Please look out for the roadside signs w/c 7th March which will confirm whether Moss Gate northbound is available for use.
Moss Gate junction
- Due to the night time sub zero temperatures forecast for next week, the remaining overnight surfacing work at the Moss Gate junction planned for 13th to 18th February will have to be deferred to 25th to 27th February. Junction 11 of the M62 therefore cannot be used to access the A574 between 8pm and 6am on these dates. There will be no access to Birchwood via Junction 11 between these times so drivers should follow the diversion signs or plan their journeys accordingly. Moss Gate Northbound will re-open on Tuesday 16th February at 6am.
- When these works are complete the contractor will re-open Moss Gate north bound as described above and will move on to the Dog bone roundabout to undertake the necessary night time works at this location.
- Please note, that right turns from Moss Gate will still be restricted until the junction is complete with fully functioning signals in mid March. The key point is that we cannot allow right turns from Moss Gate before the signals are fully activated for public safety reasons. M62 bound traffic from Moss Gate will be allowed to turn left onto Birchwood Way and use the Faraday Street roundabout to turn round to head towards the motorway. We are expecting the re-opening of Moss Gate Northbound to considerably reduce the delays currently experienced on Dewhurst Road and Ordnance Avenue referred to above.
Faraday Street bus gate
- This scheme is still scheduled for a mid March completion.
Please refer to the roadworks page at www.warrington.gov.uk/roadworks for updates to the traffic management arrangements.