You are invited to the Birchwood Forum and FM Network meeting on Thursday 9th March at The Centre.
Always top of the agenda for Birchwood Forum and its Facilities Management Network are the subjects of transport and travel to work. In this session we will hear from Highways England about their current and future plans which impact on Birchwood and Warrington. Warrington Borough Council Travel Planners will update us on the next phase of pinchpoint work. We will be joined in the Panel discussion session by a representative from Transport for the North.
There will also be a brief update on the plans for a BID [Business Improvement District] for Birchwood and progress on the current feasibility study.
Arrival – Refreshments and Networking
Welcome and Introductions
Toby Smith, Birchwood Park Facilities Management and Chair of Birchwood Forum FM Network
Highways England
Shaun Reynolds, Asset Manager
Warrington Borough CouncilTransport for Warrington
John Nichol Principal Transport Planner (Capital Delivery)
BID for Birchwood
Update on Feasibility Study
Panel Discussion and Q&A
The presenters will be joined by a Representative from Transport for the North
Birchwood Forum
News and programme of activities for 2017
10:00h Close
We hope you can make it.